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Can Old Mattress Make You Sick

best mattress in faridabad
best mattress in faridabad

We all want the comfort of a good sleep, but what if your mattress is affecting your health in subtle and not-so-subtle ways? Yes, it is true, a seemingly innocent staple of your bedroom can affect your health in a way you can’t anticipate. The reality is that old mattresses can be the reason for the issues that might be detrimental to your well-being.

Let’s focus on how an aging mattress could potentially make you sick and what you can do about it.

1. Allergens and Dust Mites

Over time, the old mattress becomes a home to allergens and dust mites. These allergens and dust mites cause consequential concerns to the human body. Dust mites thrive in humid and warm environments and feed on dead skin cells that a human body naturally sheds. These dust mites may not be directly harmful, but their waste products and dead bodies can cause an allergic reaction in sensitive individuals. You may encounter runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes, and asthma flare-ups. If you are allergic to dust mites or have asthma, it is time to replace that old mattress with the new one.

2. Mold and Mildew Growth

If you are using a mattress for too long, it can be potentially the reason for mold and mildew growth. Moisture can seep into the mattress from sweat, humidity, and spills. If the mattress is not properly dried, mildew and mold can develop and can cause skin irritation, respiratory issues, and allergies. If you notice a musty smell or mold, consider replacing the old mattress with a long-lasting mattress foam.

3. Wear and Tear

A mattress naturally undergoes wear and tear after an age. The high-quality mattress materials inside, such as springs, foam, and padding, can degrade over time. You may also encounter discomfort due to uneven support and pressure points. You might not get proper sleep cause of discomfort. The chronic discomfort contributes to multiple health issues including neck pain, back pain, and poor posture. If you find yourself waking up with aches and pains, it might be a sign that you now need the best mattress for back pain.

4. Bacteria and Odors

Bacteria can also find a home in your old mattress. Body oils, sweat, and spills help bacteria seep into the mattress and create a moist environment where bacteria can survive. Over time, bacteria cause unpleasant odors and potential infections. If you have sensitive skin or any existing skin condition, bacteria can trigger the allergy and you may face discomfort. Regular maintenance and cleaning can help reduce this issue but if your mattress is too old, it may not be salvageable.

How to Maintain Mattress Hygiene

Now, you might have an idea what an old mattress can do to your overall well-being. A clean mattress ensures a healthy sleep environment and requires regular cleaning and maintenance.

Following are a few tips that can help you keep your mattress in good condition:

Regular Cleaning: Make sure to vacuum your mattress regularly and remove dust mites and allergens. For best results, use a vacuum with a HEPA filter. Spot-clean any stains with mild detergent and dry the mattress in sunlight thoroughly before putting on sheets.

Mattress Protectors: Invest in a high-quality mattress protector. A protector can help keep allergens, spills, and stains at bay. This way you can extend the life of your mattress and maintain its cleanliness.

Flipping and Rotating: If your mattress is designed to be flipped or rotated, regularly change the position of the mattress. This helps distribute wear evenly and can help prevent uneven sagging.

Proper Ventilation: Check if your mattress has good air circulation. If possible, let it air out by removing sheets, dry any moisture in sunlight or natural air, and let it breathe for a few hours each week.

When to Replace Your Mattress

Mattresses have a finite lifespan, even if you maintain them regularly. Most experts recommend replacing the mattress every 7-10 years but that depends entirely on the quality and type of mattress you have. However, if you experience any of the following, it might be time for a replacement:

Visible Wear and Tear: Sagging, lumps, or visible damage to the mattress surface.

Persistent Allergies or Respiratory Issues: If symptoms worsen or persist despite regular cleaning.

Discomfort or Pain: Chronic pain or discomfort that isn’t alleviated by adjustments or improvements in sleep hygiene.


An old mattress can make you second guess and replace it, but it can harbor a range of health risks. From allergens to back pain, you can be prone to numerous health risks. When you go to purchase the best mattress in Faridabad, make sure of regular maintenance after the purchase.

If you are looking to purchase a new mattress, visit and get a variety of mattresses in your bucket.

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